Unfriended (2014)

This week, we are watching 2014’s Unfriended. How long would you ignore a random person in your group video room? Are we dealing with a person or a ghost? Are any of these kids not horrible?

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Death Trance (2005)

This week, we have an audience suggestion from Gerald. It’s 2005’s Death Trance. What year and planet does this take place? How quickly can you assemble a bazooka? Is the child possessed or just evil?

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Love Actually (2003)

This week we celebrate Valentines Day by watching 2003’s Love Actually. Can you fall in love without speaking to each other? How charming is Hugh Grant? How many types of love were actually portrayed here?

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Hidalgo (2004)

This week we are watching 2004’s Hidalgo. How humanlike can animals be? Can money buy you anything? How injured doe a horse have to be before it can recover to full strength?

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The Bone Collector (1999)

This week we are watching 1999’s The Bone Collector. How important is chain of custody? Is the serial killer any good at making things personal? How much could you get done with only a finger?

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